Hope all had
a super sweet week this past week because mine was super awesome!
So first, we
had our consejo de liderazgo! Or our leadership council meeting for the whole
mission! It was super sweet! We talked a lot about diligence and the importance
of making sure the little things get done. Even though I'm busy running the powerpoints, computer, mics and all that jazz helping
President, I'm always able to learn a ton and feel the spirit very
Second, we
had our multi-mission (with the San Jose Costa Rica Este) meeting with Elder
Quentin L. Cook! He's a member of the Quorum of the Twelve. Just like the 12
Apostles that Christ had during his earthly ministry. Well, Elder Cook, being
an Apostle, is a special witness of Jesus Christ - a very very high authority
in the Church. He shared that we as missionaries are the message and that we
carry the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He gave us an apostolic
blessing including that all the desires of our hearts will be accomplished and
that miracles will flow from our hands. I loved that, and he shared his
testimony of Christ with us. I don't think I've ever felt the Spirit stronger
and President Duncan (the area President of Central America) said after, that it was the most powerful testimony he's ever heard from Elder Cook. SO COOL!
I know that man is called of God and that he truly is an apostle of the
Lord. Jesus Christ is at the head of this Church and his leaders (although
imperfect) are inspired men. As a mission, everyone had shoes shined and suits
and everything. WE LOOKED GOOD ;) haha and everyone was early! So that was good
At the conference, I saw my beloved son haha :) I LOVE ELDER HENRY - I MISSED THAT STUD! Pacific Northwest Boys!!
And lastly, we had a baptism of the little girl who likes to crush my hand - Mariella! She is the bomb. I was super stoked and so was she during her baptism AND she even talked to me a tiny bit!
And lastly, we had a baptism of the little girl who likes to crush my hand - Mariella! She is the bomb. I was super stoked and so was she during her baptism AND she even talked to me a tiny bit!
There were a couple of
sisters and an elder that I also talked to (from the East mission) that recognized me from BYU. It was pretty cool to see people that I knew and
people that remembered me hahaha.
So, this week
was sweet! An all-in-all good week. And, I will hit my year mark on Thursday - so
crazy! It's gone so slow yet so fast. And I'm loving every single minute of it.
I'm so thankful for every opportunity to learn and teach people about this
gospel that I hold so personal and precious. I can truly say that I know that
this is the true Church of Jesus Christ and that the same authority that the 12
apostles and prophets had of old. I love this Gospel and I love my
Thank you for
all the support and prayers on my behalf! I love all you guys so much! Cuidense
Pura Vida,
Elder Stott
over and out!
- Elder Stott