Well this week was interesting!
So to start
things out - Elder Vorwaller had changes! Super unexpected... Nothing happened
at all, actually the zone is doing a lot better so I'm sure the mission just
needs his help somewhere else! Well, my time here in Guanacaste
will continue and I'm now with Elder Lopez - he was in the office with me a
while back and I took a picture of him and everything. He's the Asian-looking Mexican (pretty funny huh). Well he's really cool and super super fun so I'm
excited to have him with us here in the San Roque Zone! We're going to throw
fire here :) That's the cool thing about being ZL - your companions are almost
always going to be super sick elders! It was sad that my time here with Vwaller was
short but Lopez is really good too so it balances out!
A visiting member took our pic at church to send to our moms |
Our zone is doing is alright. I have lots of hope and energy and we're just trying to convey that to the zone. It just feels like they're asleep sometimes out here. Not much excitement or urgency and they kinda fight against changes. But I've learned it's a long process to pick a zone up - it's not something that happens quickly! But I sure love my missionaries here (yes, even the ones that give me headaches haha) It's so busy being a ZL, you have no idea. There's always something wrong or drama but it's all good - I love it :)
Bearing and lifting my fellow ZL's |
So this week
for Semana de Milagros, it was super super hot, but totally sick. We recorded
people in the central parks and everywhere. We looked professional (with headphones, selfie sticks - to record, and everything) so people wanted to be a
part of it. I'll be working on a giant video here this week so that should be
good :) We took lots of selfies with people holding the Book of Mormon too -
that was really cool. I enjoyed it :)
ALSO, I had to go to a baptismal interview on the beach... I know, it sucked... Haha no it
was so pretty! It's about 2 hours away from my area but in my same zone. A
member took us in his car and the whole experience was so sweeeet. I did the
interview in a resort and after we finished, the Elder I was with, the member and
I all watched the Costa Rican sunset on the beach (in the car haha) - I'm
pretty sure I just completed the last bucket-list thing for my mission haha :)
It was really breathtaking because I had the beach in front and the jungle
behind me. I guess Costa Rica is really beautiful after all ;) I've just been
in ugly areas so far. haha
Playa Flamingo Sunset |
Well, this
week we're hoping for another baptism in our area so let's hope that all goes
well. I have a 4-hour bus-ride ahead of me today to get back to Guana, so
that'll be fun!
Remember that we should have goals so large that they scare small minds :) Like I always say to Elder Black in the morning, "RISE AND GRIND" and also like I like to say here "Keep grinding".
Thanks for
Love all you
guys - pura vida!
The church is
- Elder Stott
(aka "El Machón" - Big Blonde)
Mission shirts that we designed and had made! |
One of my favorite Elders - Elder Garcia from Guatemala |
A Sister Missionary from Bend, Oregon - Hermana Farber! (Sorry Elder V is blurry) |
Our Sister Training Leaders - from Puerto Rico and Honduras |